The initial data processed with RSS can be data from arbitrary preceeding applications. RSS can be easily connected to existing real-time applications. RSS provides opportunities
Thereby the statistic and fee/charge-model definitions may be modified, deleted or generated during the processing, even during the real-time processing. The modifications can
be incorporated during the concurrent operation and with respect to real-time statistics the resulting changes can be almost immediately visualized.
RSS revolutionises the generation and the processing of statistics by the
provision of statistical information which is many times faster than the common database programming via SQL-commands.
RSS permits the definition and the generation of most different statistics:
Standard statistics:
Statistics on the basis of network-wide generated data during the ongoing operation. The generation or the update of the associated summations is performed by the periodical operation of the summation application module.
Real-time statistics:
Statistics bases of the data generated by a real-time application. The generation or update of the associated summations is performed ”just in time” by the real-time summation module.
Ad-hoc statistics:
The generation of ad hoc summations as a base for corresponding statistics is connected to the visualization of the statistics itself and is performed directly before the visualization.
Fee/charge-model simulations:
Summations concerning the simulation of fee/charge models are generated on the basis of already available (”old”) data on which modified (”new”) fee/charge conditions are applied to. Similar to the standard statistics the generation or update of the summations is conducted by the summation application module which will be periodically started in the background.
The Realtime Statistic- and Simulation-System
(abbr: RSS) is a software package for the network-wide generation of
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